Spanish and English lessons for companies based on practical scenarios of both the workplace and everyday life, to gain confidence from day one. Learn at your own pace, focusing on the most relevant concepts in order to speed up your progress.


At LINGUALLOGY, we specialize in providing language courses for companies that need to improve the linguistic skills of their existing staff or to incorporate a new employee, with or without prior knowledge. In our programs, which are fully adaptable to the individual needs of each employee, we work together on all the necessary skills for day-to-day activities, fostering a more comfortable integration and leading to greater motivation and better job performance.

Our methodology is based on a neurolinguistic approach so that you can start seeing results from the very first days. We offer you qualified native teachers, carefully selected to provide your organization with quality professional training and a pleasant learning experience.

“My 17 years of experience in teaching Spanish have allowed me to develop a distinctive strategy upon which our Linguallogy project is based. The content is presented progressively, following a clear and precise structure and taking into account real-life needs. In this way, better results are achieved without wasting time.”

— Ilya Gerasimets, founder of the project



Our team is comprised of highly qualified language experts who are all passionate, motivated and experienced teachers. Our whole team has been carefully trained to use our neurolinguistic methodologies, and related tools, ensuring a consistent and efficient learning experience.


Our goal isn’t just to teach the language, but to support foreigners integrate within a new country and culture. The adaptation process can be very challenging and our team offers valuable sociocultural tips and information to help our students enjoy and understand their new home quicker.


Our services are completely adaptable to our students’ requirements. We offer a range of options for all levels of language proficiency, students’ priorities and well as their scheduling restrictions. We can deliver individual or group classes, either face-to-face or interactively through our online classroom platform.


Our teaching methodologies are designed to motivate and prepare your team to be able to achieve their goals in a working environment and to face real everyday situations from the very first classes, without digressing in irrelevant theory and concepts.


We have prepared several packages of individual and group classes, which are available in 10-hour or 20-hour options that you can distribute according to your preferences.

It could be that you are not sure about how many employees will attend the group lesson, or about the frequency of the lessons. Perhaps your requirements may vary depending on the week, or you want to try several options before you decide to commit to a full-length course. Don't worry, we can send a single invoice at the end of the month with the total count of lessons, so you don't have to think about the number of people and classes in advance.



We care about nature and ecology, so we plant a tree for each new student who joins Linguallogy. We plant seeds and as soon as we have seedlings ready we transplant them in a carefully chosen area for their later life.
And now we have decided to plant a tree annually not only for each new student but for each existing one.




"Ilya is a very professional teacher and his lessons are always interesting. When I was preparing for the B2 exam, we identified my weaknesses and tackled them specifically. It was a perfect and very intensive training. Now I am mainly focused in improving my speaking skills and I really like the topics of our lessons! And I also really like how Ilya asks some questions, the answer to which involves the use of a specific grammatical form, so that I don’t forget what I have learned."

- Evgeniya Zapolnova

"Ilya is the best language teacher I know. It is clear that his methodology has been polished and perfected, so I feel in the hands of a professional. And most importantly, after 2-3 classes, I was already able to put my knowledge into practice in everyday life situations. It's the first time something like this has happened to me. So, thank you teacher!"

- Arseny Dudinov



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